I enjoy this one! I like Lindsay Lohan BEFORE she became a crack head. I'd like to add this to my collection as well.
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Movies (22)
The Parent Trap review

Bicentennial Man review

I may be the only one who actually liked this film. I felt for him and shed a few tears definitely one I'd like to add to my collection.

RV review

Wasn't impressed with "RV" it was pretty lame, it was alright at first, but continued to spiral downhill until the point came where I just wanted it to be over. One of the worst Robin William's films I've seen.

Red Eye review

I thought "Red Eye" was a great film. I loved Rachel McAdam's character and she played the role perfectly. The villian, Cillian Murphy, was superb. I enjoyed this film from start to finish.

The Cat in the Hat review

Horrible, horrible movie. First of all, Michael Myers(I actually like his acting for the most part) should be ashamed of himself for even THINKING about doing this film. It's creepy, the humor is horrible and not intended for a young audience, it's terribly all around.

Snakes on a Plane review

I thought "Snakes on a Plane" was very poorly done. It could have been so much better if they'd have chosen the cast better. I love Samuel L. Jackson, but the other actors were terrible. I am surprised that Jackson even agreed to do this film. It's a great plot idea, but the acting was terrible. The title also, could have been chosen a little more wisely, nothing like stating the obvious.

Open Water review

I thought Open Water was horrible! I bought the movie before watching it, once I had watched it, I kicked myself for buying and gave it away. It was definitely not something I would want to watch twice. I am all for shark movies, but they went about this the wrong way.

8 Mile review

I anticipated the release of this film for months before it came out, I was so excited to see Eminem act and to see the film all put together. It was put together beautifully. It's a great story of his struggle to be where he wanted to be in life. I especially liked the relationship between Rabbit and his sister. Beautiful.

American Beauty review

I am so proud to have this film in my collection. It's a fantastic story, the characters couldn't have been played better and the soundtrack is perfect. I often find myself quoting from this movie, Kevin Spacey is brilliant.

Edward Scissorhands review

Beautiful, admirable, touching story! Every scene amazes me, and the chemistry between Edward & Kim is breath taking. They don't make films like this anymore.