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Movies (22)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre review

This is one of the rare cases where I liked the remake better than the original. If you are an advent horror fan like myself this is an essential watch and you may or may not agree but I found the remake more entertaining and more scary than this one. Yes this one has it's moments and Leatherface is terrifying but the roles in the remake are played better in my opinion.

Night of the Living Dead review

This was the first black and white and the first zombie film I ever watched. I blame my love of zombies on this movie. The fact it was black and white added to the creepy in my opinion. This is a classic film. If you haven't seen this yet please do so! This was remade in 1990, yes it was good but it doesn't go the original justice.

The Hot Chick review

The hottest chick in town just switched bodies with the luckiest loser in the world.
A definite hilarious film! I ran out and bought this one as soon as I watched it, I thought it was pretty entertaining.
A definite hilarious film! I ran out and bought this one as soon as I watched it, I thought it was pretty entertaining.

Halloween II review

Dear Rob Zombie,
Not your best work. I loved the Halloween remake, but this one, not so much, I watched it 3 times so I could finally gather all the information to make up my mind about it, it was good, but it wasn't great, like I had expected.
Not your best work. I loved the Halloween remake, but this one, not so much, I watched it 3 times so I could finally gather all the information to make up my mind about it, it was good, but it wasn't great, like I had expected.

The Final Destination review

Like the previous 3, except this one involves a race track crash. Some scenes are pretty gruesome, especially the car wash seen and the pool scene, I give it credit for having pretty gnarly death scenes, but enough is enough now how many more of these are going to be made?!?

Jeepers Creepers 2 review

Another example of a bad sequel. it had it's scary moments, but it didn't give me the gut wrenching feeling the first one did, I find it sad that I own this.

When a Stranger Calls review

When this film was first releases back in the 70s it was considered scary, and maybe there are some creepy parts, but I mostly found it boring, the remake was better and that's saying something. I watched this after a friend of a friend referred it, and the way they built it up, lead me to believe this film was going to be epic. Turns out, not so much! Not a film I would watch a second time.

Final Destination 3 review

Another one from the "Final Desitnation" franchise, You'd think because it was the same as the previous two, it wouldn't be entertaining, but it is! I especially like the tanning bed scene.

Hard Candy review

Excellent film. Ellen Page is brilliant. I really enjoyed the suspense and I remember thinking "Is she really going to cut his private parts off?" Definitely another one I would love to add to my collection!!! This movie is an excellent reason why you should NOT meet people online.

I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer review

I have but one question... WHY?!?!? I know what you did... fine, I still know...maybe but I'll always know?!? Which barely had anything to do with the first two, sorry not happening, horrible film.